OH-VLISM Online Seminar Series

Welcome to the information page for the Outer Heliosphere-Very Local Interstellar Medium (OH-VLISM) Online Seminar series! Browse the menu for access to recorded talks from the current season (Fall 2023-Spring 2024) and for archived talks from past seasons. Additionally, at the Community News tab you can access relevant announcements and news for the outer heliosphere community.

Our next seminar will be next week on Wednesday, May 22 at 11 am ET.  We will be having a topic-driven seminar on "Heliosphere Applications: Atmospheres and Astrospheres". Our speakers will be Jesse Miller (Boston University) and Dominique Meyer (ICE/CSIC) giving talks on atmospheric effects caused by a cold cloud compressing the heliosphere and astrospheric bow shocks, respectively. 

The zoom link to the seminar can be found here: 


(password if needed: ohvlism)

The coordinators for the OH-VLISM Online Seminar Series are:

Marc Kornbleuth (BU): kmarc [at] bu.edu

Justyna Sokol (SWRI): jsokol [at] helio.zone

Elena Provornikova (JHU/APL): elena.provornikova [at] jhuapl.edu

Lennart Baalmann (ETH Zurich): lbaalmann [at] phys.ethz.ch